- Text to Speech(TTS) now supported for PDFs – You can now use TTS with not just EPUBs but PDFs as well.
- Text Selection Context Menu now scrollable to include: Search, Translation, Web Lookup, Share, Speak & Start TTS.
You can now easily listen, translate, share and web search selected text.
**Translate requires Google Translate to be installed to be used.
- Highlights & Annotation for Comics – Now for the first time you can easily make highlights and annotations to share the favorite scenes of your comics
- Display titles in bookshelf across two lines
- Allow margins to go to 0 for EPUBs
- Display book size information on book details screen
- New Upload API – faster and more efficient uploads
Fixes & Improvements
- Display actual height of images for area/image highlights
- Annotations with watermarked PDF
- TTS fixes
- Image/Area selection fixes
- Support displaying books for libraries with no curated lists
- Improve updating currently reading section. No more deleted books cache
- Fixed page flipping bug in two column mode
- Add name of author to the index for offline search
- Show local books in series and bookshelves
- Fixes for vertical mode
Survey Results – The next feature/improvement you want for iOS
We recently asked our fellow readers to chime in on the next set of features on Reddit. We got over 55 responses. A big thank you to all that participated. Please see the results below:

As you can see, most readers want custom tap zones/area with the other features being prioritized after that. We are now entering the UI/UX phase of the top 3 items on this list and then will have them scheduled for development shortly. We will target completing 5/6 of these items along with our current roadmap and then reach out to the community again to prioritize the next set of mostly requested features/improvements. There were a few comments with additional requests made that we would have liked to follow up on but were not able to since we did not collect emails, as a result we will ask for your email(optional) in the next survey to allow us to connect and better understand the feedback.
The latest update can be found in the App Store at . Thanks again for all the support and please do continue to reach out to us with feedback and suggestions to help us build your ideal reading platform.
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