We have been making improvements on the Web to improve performance, support upcoming new features and more that are not immediately visible.
BookFusion iOS 1.24.2 : Custom Fonts & Paragraph Spacing
This iOS release focused on quality of life improvements and minor improvements.
System & Custom Fonts Support
Paragraph Spacing
Other updates
- Stronger text alignment override
- Fixed bug with syncing notes and tags made while offline
- Improvements with reading progress sync
- Other fixes and improvements
BookFusion iOS 1.24.0 – More Highlights & Annotations Update
This release focused on improving the highlights and annotations functionality in the app to help you get more from what you read.
BookFusion iOS 1.23.0 – 1.23.2 Update
The releases in 1.23.X focused on mostly improvements and resolving bugs that were discovered that include:
- Improved performance of fixed layout EPUB reader
- Store UI/UX has been refreshed.