Forget trying to send your eBooks or documents to your Kindle via USB or converting them via Calibre and then sending them via email. BookFusion allows you to organize and send your eBooks regardless of format to your Kindle with just a few clicks.
To send your eBooks to your Kindle you will need to follow these steps below:
- Create an account at BookFusion
- Go to the Send To Kindle tab after you have signed in

3. On Amazon Add your unique email <ID>@bookseam.com to your Approved Document Email list. You can find this email at https://www.bookfusion.com/users/edit?tab=kindle_preferences
- Go to Manage Your Content & Devices
- From Settings, scroll down to Personal Document Settings.
- Under Approved Personal Document E-mail List, check if your email address is listed. If your email address is not listed, select Add a new approved e-mail address.
- Enter the desired email address and click Add Address.
4. Add your email to BookFusion under Settings-> Send to Kindle and click Update Settings

5. Select the ebooks you want to send to your Kindle by going to the Send to Kindle tab

6. Your eBooks should now be on your Kindle device. The status of each transfer will be displayed.

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