Macmillan Education Caribbean, a leading publisher of educational resources for the Caribbean, is delighted to announce its partnership with BookFusion Ltd, the global eBook platform provider.
Through BookFusion’s innovative digital platform, Macmillan Education Caribbean’s digital portfolio, which includes primary, lower secondary, CSEC® and CAPE® titles alongside Caribbean fiction, will be easily accessible to schools, institutions and Ministries of Education across the Caribbean.
Nicola Langford, Head of Caribbean, Macmillan Education Caribbean, said,
We are excited to be working with BookFusion. This collaboration provides the perfect opportunity for our eBooks to be accessed on the devices of students and teachers wherever, and whenever, they are needed. This is particularly pertinent at this time when so much education is taking place outside the classroom and immediate access to high quality educational content is paramount.

Macmillan Education Caribbean eBooks are available at https://www.bookfusion.com/store/macmillan
Dwayne Campbell, Founder and CEO of BookFusion says,
We are delighted to partner with Macmillan Education Caribbean. There extensive catalogue of eBooks will help to increase learning outcomes across schools, institutions and Ministries of Education.
Within the next few weeks, both companies plan to finalize a joint project to provide free access to two titles via foundations across the island.
For further information on Macmillan Education Caribbean please contact Amanda Naylor, Marketing Manager amanda.naylor@macmillaneducation,com
For further information on BookFusion please contact Dwayne Campbell, Chief Executive Officer dwayne@bookfusion.com
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